Sunday, March 12, 2017

Reading Tip Of the Week

5 Ways to Use Magnetic Letters at Home

1.  Making Names:  A child's name is one of the first words he or she recognizes. Have your child make their name using magnetic letters on the refrigerator or a cookie sheet several times.  Then mix up the letters and have them make it again.  Have their name written on a card for them to check.

2.  Making Words:  Make a simple word like mom, dad, cat or sun and have your child make the same word by matching each letter below the model (c-a-t - cat).

3. Consonant/Vowel Sort:  Have your child sort the consonant letters and the vowel letters.

4. Writing Words:  Have your child make five simple words ( such as dog, fun, big, hat, pen, rug) and then write them on a sheet of paper.

5.  Rhyming Pairs:   Use a magnetic cookie sheet.  Make a simple three letter word (such as bug, big, fan, sit)  Say the word and then say a second word that rhymes (cat-fat, bug-mug, fan-man).  Ask your child to make another rhyming word below each.

Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention

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