Monday, September 25, 2017

READING TIP for September

    Recognizing Story Elements

Most stories have five basic elements. Students (as early as kindergarten) learn to identify these five components.
Characters:  Every story has a main character.
Setting:  This is where the story takes place.
Plot:  The events that take place in the story. 
Problem:  Every story has a problem or conflict to solve.
Resolution:  The solution to the problem usually occurs at the end of the story.

Image result for book
Try using these words before, during and after reading with your child.  This will help your child better understand the story structure and improve comprehension.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Week Number 1 Was Fun

What a great week!  I met with my students for the first time last Monday. We began by learning rules and expectations.  All students were asked at that time to read every night with a family member and complete a daily book log!   So far my students have given 100%!  Thank you to all of our Greenbrier families for promoting daily reading at home!