Monday, December 5, 2016

Reading Tip of the Week

Don't leave home without it!

Bring along a book or magazine any time your child has to wait for an extended amount of time, such as a doctor's office, dentist or restaurant. Always try to promote reading!

Monday, November 28, 2016


Talk with your child....

It is very important to talk with your child every day about school, interests and things going on in your household. Try asking some high-level questions and adding interesting words into your conversation to help build your child's vocabulary and schema!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Reading Tip of the Week

When in Doubt... Go Back and Read it Again!

When your child has sounded out an unfamiliar word, have him or her go back and re-read that sentence. Then ask your child if the sentence now makes sense.  Often kids are so busy figuring out a word they lose the meaning of what they've just read.  Let your child know this valuable strategy is what good readers do!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Reading Tip of the Week

    Recognizing Story Elements

Most stories have five basic elements. Students (as early as kindergarten) learn to identify these five components.
Characters:  Every story has a main character.
Setting:  This is where the story takes place.
Plot:  The events that take place in the story. 
Problem:  Every story has a problem or conflict to solve.
Resolution:  The solution to the problem usually occurs at the end of the story.

Image result for book
Try using these words before, during and after reading with your child.  This will help your child better understand the story structure and improve comprehension.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Reading Tip of the Week 
Before, During and After Reading
Good readers ask themselves questions before, during, and after they read. You can help your child become more skillful at this reading strategy by modeling for them and encouraging them to use it when they read independently.

Before reading a new book:
"Who is the illustrator?"
"What do you think this story is going to be about?"
"What do you know about the topic of this story?"
During reading:
"What do you think will happen next?"
"What does the main character want?"
"Where does the story take place?

After reading:
"What was the story about?"
"What is the main message of this book?"
"What was the most exciting or funniest things that happened in the story?"
Image result for questioning

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Reading Tip of the Week

Be Patient...

Make sure to be patient when your child is trying to sound out an unfamiliar word.  Give him or her time to do so. Remind your child to look closely at the first letter or all the letters of the word.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Reading Tip of the Week

Image result for magnetic letters

Play Word Games

Have your child sound out the word as you change it from mat to fat to sat; from sat to sag to bag; from bag to rag to ran; and to ran to fan to can.   A great way to play this game is to use magnetic letters!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Reading Tip of the Week

Once is Not Enough

Encourage your child to re-read favorite books and poems. Re-reading helps kids read more accurately.  This will also help your child build fluency and expression!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

What a great week!  I met with my students for the first time on Monday. We began by learning rules and expectations.  All students were asked at that time to read every night with a family member and complete a daily book log!  This week we had 100% participation!   A special thanks to all of our families for promoting daily reading at home!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

This week I shared one of my favorite books
with our first graders! 

Click on the link below and watch the video with your child! 

Wemberly Worried

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Last week I helped kindergarten students find some important places on a school tour!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

New to Greenbrier School!

My name is Mrs. Mueller and I am the new Literacy Teacher at Greenbrier School!  I am very excited to be a part of the Arlington Heights School District 25 family.  Last week I spent four days meeting with superintendents, staff members and other new hire teachers.  I even had the opportunity to spend time getting acquainted with the beautiful Arlington Heights Memorial Library!  It was a great week and I am so happy to be working in such a wonderful school district and at Greenbrier School!  I am looking forward to meeting you on the first day of school!  Enjoy the last week of summer and see you on Monday, August 29th!